Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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Text File
198 lines
# $RCSfile: psp $
# $Revision: 2.0 $
# $Date: 1997/10/03 14:28:00 $
# $Author: ssolie $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Software Evolution. All Rights Reserved.
# PSP Support Library -- Personal Software Process (PSP) support functions
# This set of Maple V Release 3 functions contains many functions which can
# be used to process PSP data. Each function is designed to perform a
# specific action or produce a specific report.
# These functions may or may not be exactly what is required for your
# specific PSP means. However, the functions do provide a basis from which
# to build upon to improve and enhance your PSP processes.
# For more information about the PSP, please refer to:
# Humphrey, Watts S., "A Discipline for Software Engineering"
# (Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley, 1995), ISBN 0-201-54610-8.
# Please note that not all of the functions properly protect themselves
# from incorrect parameters and may have unexpected results when used
# improperly. Always check the source code to be sure.
###### prediction_interval ######
`help/text/prediction_interval` := TEXT(
`FUNCTION: prediction_interval - Calculate range and prediction interval`,
` prediction_interval(x_data, y_data, estimate, percent)`,
` x_data - set of x regression data (estimated values)`,
` y_data - set of y regression data (actual values)`,
` estimate - planned or estimated value`,
` percent - prediction interval percentage`,
`- Data is supplied as arrays of data equal in length.`,
`- It is useful to know the prediction error when making estimates. This`,
` function uses your historical data and the linear regression method to`,
` predict your likely estimation error. This will give you the ability to`,
` know the likely minimum and maximum estimation based on your previous`,
` performance.`,
`- The prediction interval percentage means that most of the time the`,
` true result will be within the interval. For example, if you ask for`,
` a 90% prediction interval then 90% of the time the true result will`,
` be in the interval. The most common values for the prediction`,
` interval used in the PSP are 70% and 90%.`,
`- As with all predictions, there is a danger of misinterpretation. If`,
` your process changes such that it invalidates your historical data,`,
` the prediction interval will be meaningless. Exercise caution before`,
` committing to the results.`,
`- This function requires the stats package, and so can be used only after`,
` performing the command with(stats).`,
`> with(stats);`,
`> plan_loc := [100,327,75,92]: actual_loc := [110,228,90,100];`,
`> prediction_interval(plan_loc,actual_loc,300,70);`
prediction_interval := proc(x_data, y_data, estimated, percent)
local xk, i, n, beta0, beta1, variance, std_dev, p, t, r, x_avg, y_avg,
range, lower_limit, upper_limit, projected;
### Parse arguments ###
if percent < 0 or percent > 100 then
ERROR(`Percent must be in the range 0..100`);
if estimated < 1 then
ERROR(`Estimated must be greater than 1`);
### calculate and print out the results ###
xk := estimated;
n := describe[count](x_data);
r := describe[linearcorrelation](x_data, y_data);
x_avg := describe[mean](x_data);
y_avg := describe[mean](y_data);
beta1 := (sum(x_data[i]*y_data[i], i=1..n) - n*x_avg*y_avg) /
(sum(x_data[i]^2, i=1..n) - n*x_avg^2);
beta0 := y_avg - beta1*x_avg;
projected := beta0 + beta1*xk;
projected := ceil(projected);
variance := 1/(n-2) *
sum((y_data[i] - beta0 - beta1*x_data[i])^2, i=1..n);
std_dev := sqrt(variance);
p := (1 + (percent/100))/2;
t := statevalf[icdf, studentst[n - 2]](p);
range := t * std_dev * sqrt(1 + 1/n + (xk-x_avg)^2/sum((x_data[i] - x_avg)^2, i=1..n));
range := ceil(range);
lower_limit := ceil(projected - range);
upper_limit := ceil(projected + range);
print(`N` = n);
print('r^2' = evalf(r^2));
print('beta[0]' = evalf(beta0));
print('beta[1]' = evalf(beta1));
print('Projected' = projected);
print(`Range` = range);
print(`UPI` = upper_limit);
print(`LPI` = lower_limit);
###### plot_relationship ######
`help/text/plot_relationship` := TEXT(
`FUNCTION: plot_relationship - Plots data relationship`,
` plot_relationship(x_data, y_data)`,
` x_data - set of x data`,
` y_data - set of y data`,
`- Data is supplied as arrays of numbers equal in length.`,
`- Two measurements are used to determine the strength of the linear`,
` relationship between the two sets of data: r^2 and p.`,
` r^2 - square of the correlation (r^2 >= 0.9 is very good)`,
` p - correlation significance (p <= 0.05 is very good)`,
`- A high correlation and significance does not guarantee a linear relation-`,
` ship exists between the two data sets. It only provides evidence that a`,
` linear relationship might exist. You must fully understand the processes`,
` involving the data values before making any meaningful conclusions.`,
`- This function requires the stats package, and so can be used only after`,
` performing the command with(stats)`,
`> with(stats);`,
`> plan_loc := [100,327,75,92]: actual_loc := [110,228,90,100];`,
`> plot_relationship(plan_loc,actual_loc);`
plot_relationship := proc(x_data, y_data)
local sigma, r, t, n, p, x, x_avg, y_avg, beta1, beta0, line,
graph, points, max_x;
n := describe[count](x_data);
r := describe[linearcorrelation](x_data, y_data);
t := abs(r) * sqrt(n - 2) / sqrt(1 - r^2);
p := 2 * (1 - statevalf[cdf, studentst[n-2]](t));
x_avg := describe[mean](x_data);
y_avg := describe[mean](y_data);
max_x := evalf(op(2, describe[range](x_data)));
beta1 := (sum(x_data[i]*y_data[i], i=1..n) - n*x_avg*y_avg) /
(sum(x_data[i]^2, i=1..n) - n*x_avg^2);
beta0 := y_avg - beta1*x_avg;
points := convert([x_data, y_data], matrix);
points := linalg[transpose](points);
points := convert(points, listlist);
line := [[0, beta0], [max_x, evalf(beta1*max_x + beta0)]];
graph := PLOT(
print(`N` = n);
print('beta[0]' = evalf(beta0));
print('beta[1]' = evalf(beta1));
print('r^2' = evalf(r^2));
print('p' = evalf(p));
save `Maple:PSP/psp.m`;